Lets start with Docker Playground to test it out
1 Log into https://labs.play-with-docker.com/
2 Create an instance then paste following docker run command in
COPY: ctrl + ins
PASTE: ctrl + shift + v
docker run -d --name looking-glass --restart always --network host wikihostinc/looking-glass-server
3 Click port 80 to open Looking-glass server page in a new tab
Change configuration
# you need pass -e KEY=VALUE to docker command
# you can find the KEY below the [Image Environment Variables]
# for example, change the listen port to 8080
docker run -d \
--name looking-glass \
-e HTTP_PORT=8080 \
--restart always \
--network host \
1 Browser to open http://<Public IP>:Port
2 Click “Begin test” button to start the speed test.
3 Click iPerf3 to start iperf3 server for speed test.
4 Click Speedtest.net to test speed
There are some Chinese character in there. But you should be able to use Google Translate to understand them. Again, this speed is from the Looking-Glass server to Speedtest.net server.
4 Click Shell to run other commands such as ping/mtr/traceroute/nexttrace/speedtest:
ALS > help
Error: unknown command "help" for ""
Run ' --help' for usage.
ALS > --hlp
Error: unknown flag: --hlp
Available Commands:
-h, --help help for this command
Use " [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Simple and easy setup for using your own subdomain with NPM.
Run it in Northflank free tier docker
Northflank.com is a developer platform which provides a comprehensive suite of features to support developers to automatate DevOps lifecycle.
Free Developer Sandbox provides test drive the Northflank experience with access to all our platform essentials. (https://northflank.com/pricing)
Trial the Northflank platform
Includes 2 services, 2 jobs, and 1 addon
1 BYOC cluster
Limited resources and plans
Upgrade at any time
For the compute resources, “Deploy up to $20/mo worth of free resources on Northflank’s managed cloud.
Use up to 12 vCPU and 48 GB of memory on your free BYOC cluster.”
1 Register an account and log into Northflank.com:
2 Create a free project
3 Add a new service using external image:
- docker.io/wikihostinc/looking-glass-server:latest
4 Check deployed service:
The demo site in Northflank: https://glass.51sec.eu.org/ is hosted on Northflank’s free tier servers.
Another demo site in OCP is : https://looking-glass.51sec.eu.org/
Self Hosted Docker Installation Pre-requirements
Free resources you might need to complete this docker project:
Pre-installed services:
- Docker,
- apt update
- apt install docker.io
- apt install docker-compose
- apt upgrade docker.io
- mkdir /root/data/docker_data/<docker_name>
- Docker-Compose (Using Ubuntu OS for the commands)
- Docker-compose down
- Optional command : use following command to backup your Docker data. You might need to change your folder name based on your docker configuraiton
- cp -r /root/data/docker_data/<docker_name> /root/data/docker_data_backup/<docker_name>
- docker-compose pull
- docker-compose up -d
- docker image prune
- Portainer (Optional)
- docker volume create portainer_data
- docker run -d -p 9000:9000 –name portainer –restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
- Install some applications: apt install wget curl sudo vim git (Optional)
- aapanel with Nginx (Optional)
- Nginx Proxy Manager (Optional)
- Install screen (Optional)
- Install screen (Depends on the Linux Distribution if it came pre installed or not) : yum install screen
- Initiate a Screen : screen or screen -S <screen name> <command to execute>
- Detach from the screen : “CTRL+A,D” not “CTRL+A+D”
- List all the screen currently working : screen -ls
- Reattach to a screen : screen -r <session number> or screen -r <screen name>
- Kill specific screen: screen -X -S <screen name> quit
- Kill all screens : pkill screen
Monitoring Usage
Remove Docker and Related folders
- docker stop <Docker Name> # stop the docker but not remove anything.
- docker rm -f <Docker Name> # remove speficic container, but will not delete mapped volumes
- rm -rf /root/data/docker_data/<Docker Mapped Volumns> # remove all mapped volumes
Restrick Journal Log File Size:
- journalctl –vacuum-size=100M
- Limit it to 25M:
nano /etc/systemd/journald.conf
systemctl restart systemd-journald.service
sudo bash -c 'echo "SystemMaxUse=100M" >> /etc/systemd/journald.conf'
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
Enable IPv6 and Limit Log File Size (Ubuntu)
Special command to cleans all logs and you don’t need to stop the containers.
sudo sh -c 'truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log'
Add customized self defined IPv6 address segment to enable container’s IPv6 fucntion. And limit log file’s size and numbers in case log file to fill all hard drive’s space.
cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json << EOF
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "20m",
"max-file": "3"
"ipv6": true,
"fixed-cidr-v6": "fd00:dead:beef:c0::/80",
If there is any error, or IPv6 part might not work in the platform you might want to change it to list:
cat <<EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json { "live-restore": true, "storage-driver": "overlay2", "log-opts": { "max-size": "10m" } } EOF
systemctl restart docker
Limit number of log files:
cat /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog
rotate 4
You can change 4
to some other value, such as 1
, so that only one file is stored.
- https://www.74110.net/tutorial/docker/als/