So often, we push ourselves to complete work before time off so that we don’t have those lingering tasks and projects intruding into our brains while we’re on vacation.

But having the peace of mind that things were continuing to happen while I was totally disconnected was on another level.

And speaking of intruding thoughts, I did something else differently this time as well.

I don’t know about you, but many of my travels have served as opportunities to hit the pause button and take a step back to reflect on work and life. I often come away with new ideas, insights, and lessons, some of which I’ve shared with you here before.

And while I’ve had some of the biggest mindset shifts of my life while traveling (ask me about Peru), I realized that over time, I started bringing a lot of expectations into my trips.

Expectations about what I wanted to get out of the experience. Expectations about how I wanted to feel when I returned. Expectations about the clarity of direction I hoped to gain.

And in those expectations, I often forgot to simply be in the moment and enjoy the trip for what it was instead of what I hoped it would be.

This time, I let all of that go and simply experienced each moment as it came.

So did I come away with some huge epiphany or idea for a brand new business strategy? Perhaps not.

But I have eased back into work and life at home more smoothly than any trip I can remember.

And in a way, that’s so much like the form of sustainable scalability that I talk about. It’s not always about huge swing-for-the fences ideas or constant starts and stops. It’s about smart and consistent progress, continuing to put one foot in front of the other, and enjoying the journey along the way.

So if you’ve got summer travels coming up, I wish for you the peace of mind that things are running without you. And I hope you can leave your expectations behind and enjoy each moment exactly how it is. 

If there’s any way I can help make that happen for you, or if you’re ready to tackle a new project to make your business more scalable, I’m here and ready to help. Just reach out.